Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Fractures, broken spines and abdomenal injuries

OK, so you've got a patient who may have a spinal injury and you've got to get them out of a car. . . that's damaged. . . without further complicating any injuries they might have.
You've got to maintain the spine in a stable immobile position. In one smooth cool move you've got to get the patient out of the car and onto an immobilization board.
When you make this move you've got to do it without twisting the patient's back in any manner.
It's tricky, but possible. I did it twice this evening. I also learned how to immobilize a fracture. . . all kinds of fractures.
Another cool trick; what to do when someone's guts are hanging out. When the abdomen is cut open, no matter how big or small the incision, the intestines "always want to come out." It's called evisceration. Wanna see pictures?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A little hope yet

Whew, did patient assessments this evening. I blew through a patient exhibiting signs of cardiac distress without missing a thing. Then I stabilized and loaded a trauma patient onto a backboard.
I might be able to do this.

Monday, April 5, 2010

A taste of what testing will be like

Had A 100 question test tonight on three or four chapters. Questions like:

An organ or tissue may be better able to resist damage from hyperfusion if the:
a. the body's demand for oxygen is markedly increased
b. body's temperature is considerably less than 98.6F
c. systolic arterial pressure is at least 60 mmHg
d. heart rate is maintained at greater that 100bpm


A 27 yr old woman complains of stabbing pains in the right lower quadrant. Last menstrual period 7 weeks. Pelvic inflammatory disease 3 months ago. You should be most suspicious that this patient is experiencing:
a. acute apendicitis
b. intrapelvic infection
c. spo0ntaneous abortion
d. ectopic pregnancy

People were walking out with big shocked looks on their faces. WTF?! They want us to be doctors in 5 months?